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When you are hugging someone


today, hug someone for as long as it takes to empty the body

from all tears,

from all fears;

And then make your wish.

A Wish for peace

on Earth, beyond this Universe, in all Universes,

inside the hearts

your heart, her heart, his heart, our heart;

For you channel a universal blessing when you love.

When you are hugging someone

pray from the lightest purest energy you feel,

raise the vibration for you can time travel

and sing,

"I love you I love you and all of your pieces."

Then let the hug do its healing.

You'll know is over when you feel your joyful Self again,

when you can feel and say

I forgive you

Can you forgive me?

Hug hug hug

so you can heal,

so I can heal,

when we hug

We hug to heal the entire Universe.



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