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New moon : New Life

Updated: Jul 27, 2019

New Moon: New Life How was your eclipse season? I hope you have been writing your dreams, and paying attention to the visions you had during this month, that seemed out of the ordinary. Without a doubt, you must be feeling as if the soul was calling you and that, although the lessons you have had to learn intensified, you are realizing what you no longer want to do, because it is no longer compatible with who you are. Reality has its challenges; To start, how do you know what is real? We live in a world full of illusions, and delusions, created by ourselves in the reflection of culture, family, friends, and the constant bombardment of information. Feeling safe and secure in such an open space of judgments and expectations is a gift and it is our task to share our merits so that it becomes the gift of many. At the end of the day, what unites us is that we all want to return home with the blessing of being able to share bread on the table with our loved ones. This new moon in Leo will make us notice our impulses, and it is the responsibility of each of us to organize our "kingdom" to feel like lions and lionesses free and relaxed, emanating charm and confidence, creative and bright, friendly and cheerful as successful Leos do; instead of walking through life like caged lions roaring our drama to the world, and attacking others to demonstrate our power, which can be the energy of Leo in imbalance: self-centered narcissism that consumes itself for the need to be admired and receive attention. Both conditions of Fire, as its natural element. This new Moon, in Leo, is an opportunity to choose between shining like a beautiful fire for everyone's enjoyment, including yourself; or burn everything on our path until we get consumed by our own unsatisfied need for fuel. This new moon gives us the opportunity to choose; and to choose correctly, the moon whispers to you: "Honor what you feel, let go of all habits that no longer offer any benefit, learn from the past, heal it by embracing your idea of the family by healing everything that does not honor the legacy of those good traditions that are transmitted from mother to mother for the benefit of all. The shineis on you. Forgive, for forgiving frees the heart, and a lion's heart is a brave heart. "

Leo is the constellation in the sky that is governed by the dynamics of the Sun, and as such it represents the vital energy of a heart, that is, not the heart of the moon that guides you by feeling, but the heart of the Sun that beats and gives life and vitality to the nature of being. In conjunction, that is what a new moon is, the Sun and the Moon close to each other, feelings light up, and intuition inspires you to remember your intention to create life. To know your Self better, you can find your Sun in your astral chart. The position of the Sun marks for you what sign you are in the Zodiac, depending on the constellation the sun was traveling through at the time of your birth. For example, my Sun was traveling through the 27 ° 53'54 "degree of the constellation Libra, which is very close to the cusp that joins the sign Scorpio, therefore we can say that my sun sign is Libra cusp Scorpio. In reference to the Zodiac, which is a 360 degree wheel, and is the map of the constellations in the sky, we can also find the symbology of such a degree in relation to the life cycle that the Zodiac represents for all Human Beings. It is in the Zodiac - the astral mandala, astral map, the wheel - where we follow the transits, the progressions, the compatibility and dissonance, the aspects between planetary body and the expression of time. As we know thanks to quantum science and ancestral yogic and meditative practices, time is never linear but multidimensional. The present, the future, and the past are expressed in the same instant and in alternate dimensions, simultaneously. When analyzing the lunar nodes, astrologers throughout history have recorded their observed lessons to teach us about the purpose of life and the evolution of the past to manifest the future, through the awareness of our present moment; aligned to our reason for incarnation which is our reason for being and the evolution of the spirit that continues to learn from life to life those lessons that we come to experience. Hence the nodes of the moon are known as the nodes of karma. When eclipse season arrives, it is the the axis of the eclipse where we see what we can do better or stop doing, in order to find peace of mind.

As you can see, astrology is a vast subject and a multidimensional tool that helps us study ourselves in reflection of the natural cycles; marked by time and their cosmic bodies, with the help of the recorded experience of many over time. . Simplifying, we choose a cosmic body and study its behavior to understand its energy, and since energy in the universe has the quality of electromagnetism, we can understand by simple principles or electricity and magnetism how that electromagnetic energy affects our own electromagnetic energy in the body/mind environment. Who knows oneself well, can love one self well. In my case, the Sun in degree 27 ° 53'54 "of the constellation of Libra according to the astral mandala and its transformational nature, by the nature of its symbology gives me the quality of a consciousness capable of transcending conflicts and pressures of personal life. It gives me the ability, latent in every individual, to contemplate the stress of existence in our dual world from a different perspective. Using my mind, relying on the efforts and challenges of past generations and the cooperation of others, by nature I have the ability to obtain a different perspective on human problems and manifest freedom and peace in the reality of Being. My nature is the virtue of being able to introduce the reality of union beyond polarity. This degree in the Zodiac marks the state of a transcendental realization.

Interesting, right? We can say for example, that in the reflection of such a nature, being an astrologer makes perfect sense to me, and it happens easily, since astrology is a system that is dedicated exactly to help us transcend through the realization of our own natures. Venus, who will also be traveling through Leo during this new moon, tells us about the desire to share, the desire to relate in peace and harmony, the desire to love and be loved, and the desire to enjoy the pleasures of life. Venus, preparing for her dance with the Sun known as the "start point", will have us thinking about the essence of our desire to be, and the desire to be our essence. The Start Point is simply when the conjunction, that is when Venus and the Sun approach each other, form a point in the star that forms in its trajectory, thus initiating a new cycle. The cycle of Venus orbiting the sun lasts 8 years, during which it joins in conjunction 5 times forming a pentagonal star in its celestial figure; Each point of the star is known as the Venus Start Point. When the Star Point meets Venus Direct it is known as "Venus star of the night" and is the midpoint of its cycle. When the Start Point takes place with Retrograde Venus, it is called "Venus morning star", which is when Venus is positioned between the Sun and Earth, and generates a new cycle for Venus. Like the Moon, this amounts to Full Venus and New Venus, and their corresponding energies. Each Start Point marks a new 8-year cycle of Venusian themes: desire, romance, attraction, relationships, pleasures, balance, harmony, justice, diplomacy, beauty, art, finesse and style, and everything that requires balance. The influence, let's say the color of each cycle is understood depending on the constellation in which the encounter takes place and how the transit is located in such constellation in your natal astral chart, and its aspects.

I will talk about it in sync with its time. But here I leave you a video so you can see the dance that takes place between the Sun and Venus. And of course if you are interested in knowing your astral chart inbox me and we can talk. For today, let's talk about the new Moon in Leo and how you can apply his wisdom in your daily life. For all of us, this Moon marks a new way of working on a daily basis, and a renewal of our desires, our health, and what we want to attract in daily life. For those who have been struggling with health, there will be a breathing space where you can begin to feel the effects of your well-being, according to your habits and the actions you have taken to take care of your health. New intentions to do and interact with people that resonate with your joy and joi de vivre can be felt. You can feel a touch of good fortune and expansion, finally a friendly space that aligns you with your search for meaning and truth. Yes, we will have to break patterns if we want to evolve towards better times, because radical changes are real and they only way to make it work is to find a way to change for everyone's benefit. How to know when your changes are no beneficial? Simple, you can feel the difficulty of being you and everything will cost you more effort giving you not the best results. But rest in the certainty that these changes are a sign that you are healing, and by healing you can heal your relationships and those around you. In harmony with this moon you will feel the energy of the spirit, always healing, always united, always unconditional. Your unconscious processes in harmony with your feelings. A sensitive moon ready to shine with emotional vitality.

Avoid escaping your realities through your addictions, and learn to see things as they are, without self-deception, or lies, because lies have the quality of breaking the thread of time and send you to alternate dimensions in which you end up vulnerable without control and suffer the consequences. Also be careful not to focus on your ambitions, nor on matters of power, unless they are the ambitions of feeling inner peace and being able to be the master of yourself in creating a world of peace, harmony, and freedom for everyone's benefit. More than your emotions, it will be the ideal of your personal dream what can be the best way to affirm your sense of I AM.

New Moon, New Life.

Here are the horoscopes: Aries: This Moon is your creative, romantic moon, ideal for children, and the relationship with the father. You will feel your spark and your desire to shine through your actions, completely committed to your creativity, and your desire to love and be loved. You leave your retreat, integrating all your lessons ready to affirm and to say: this is me. Champion! You know that to get to the top of your independence, all you have to do is start the journey by taking the first step. Then, as you allow your team to support your intentions, ground your daily habits in that which is healthy for you and others. Taurus: All this past reflections on who you have been, who you are, and who you want to be will be enlightened in your desire to feel at home, to build a home, to see the family, to remember the ancestors, and to purify the melancholy of the past to help you evolve towards a heart in peace, towards a new stability of Being, act, desire and feel. Yes, value your own desires, and dare to embrace radical changes in your self esteem. Go on a date, have a good meal, hold hands with someone that ground you. Count your blessings, and share your riches. All those family issues that came to the surface really really changed you.

Gemini: Ayayayai, how many misunderstandings, how many confusing thoughts, how many empty words. The good thing is that you learned how important it is to communicate clearly, and without violence. You learned a lot about the dysfunctionality of projections, yours and others'; and in the reflection of your siblings you realized that being friends with everyone requires not doubting your opinions, but mainly knowing when to better shut up and listen to the opinions of others, before making divisive and unintentional decisions. This full moon renews you before your community and gives you the opportunity to renew your desire to say what you think for the welfare of all. May your thoughts, your words, and your actions be beneficial and unify the desire to feel peace, harmony, and freedom. Cancer: You're worth a lot, right? You deserve happiness as much as everyone else, true? Your material world reflects your values, whether in the love you express to yourself or the value you give to what you consider yours. What do you want? What do you feel? What do you do to manifest your creativity in favor of the stability you want to root in life? Feel, feel, feel. What does your feeling tell you? What does your intuition tell you? You have the good fortune of having arrived where we all continue to travel. Yours is to find a valuable cause that activates your protective qualities and nurture your visions. Your thing is to create your own idea of what being family really means. Leo: Well, roaaaarrrr! What else to tell you, shine shine shine! If you are not feeling completely satisfied with who you are, then I invite you to review your relationship with your creativity, with the children, and perhaps the place to start would be by observing your relationship with your father. It is very likely that there you will find the answer to what you have trying to understand abut your self all along. Harmonize your desires, with your feelings, and with your actions, in favor of the new commitments that you want to make in the affirmation of Being You. Without dramas, remember no matter what you are born to be King of the Jungle, or the Lioness of the Universe.

Virgo: It has done you good to take a retreat. It has being great to take a pause to reflect on your spiritual state, on the state of your unconscious. This new Moon will be like a portal for all those issues that you have been pushing towards the subconscious because you don't want anyone to have access to them other than you. Time has arrived to illuminate what you wanted to hide from yourself, because the unconscious calls you with important questions: What do you want? Who are you? Why do you do what you do? Who do you commit to and why do you do it? The confusion that was felt is cleared up, and you will feel the need to express your creative voice and give new structure to what is familiar to you. Including, yes, the family. Purify, purify. Libra: Ugh, what a joy to be you. Social and always looking for harmony through diplomacy and balance. The purification that has just occurred in your circle of friends and your social groups, has also purified your cause of acting, feeling and shining. It is your desire to honor your individuality, to be unique and different, to radically rebel against the status quo of a dysfunctional society, which will help you inspire others to interact elegantly in the art of living in peace, in harmony with oneself and others, honoring the diversity of Being. An important retreat that you have lived, filled with harsh lessons, you go out again into the world independent of everything that is not beneficial for you and for your relationship with the world; understanding well that the collective drama is simply a call to love, to integration, to acceptance, to inclusion because we are all part of the same reality of being human beings in a universal experience. That's right, you were right all this time, there is nothing like good friends.

Capricorn: Great transformations that have taken place by removing the deepest earth. Just as the mountain emerges and changes the platform and structure of the soil, so you emerge in a completely new structure, cultivating a new landscape, reborn from loss, from dysfunctional relationships, from everything you had not wanted to see, from the psychological and physical death that you experienced, or others around you. Changing skin, paying old debts, breaking rules, disintegrating institutions, recognizing time, on a walk to the top of which nobody can stop you. To the top of where? In your transformation you noticed that what you value is the family, and that the family is your legacy, your inheritance, and what gives your self-esteem stability. Not really? Then keep going deeper, keep transforming, keep detaching yourself from your structures. Finally you will realize that all suffering is born from our own resistance to let go of our craving for control, instead of flowing with the moment. Controlling others is easy, specially for you, but healthy self control gives you the key to inner peace. Aquarius: Although you are happy in your most individual state, it will be your relationships that are illuminated this moon, your desire to feel harmony with your partner, and with all your associations. What are you doing in favor of your relationships? Are your actions friendly? Or are you focusing on yourself and the ego of wanting to do things your way? If doing things differently and having your own way is working, well done! If not, then this moon you will feel the need to harmonize, and to harmonize you have to cultivate peace, and although a relationship needs two, peace only requires one person and it has to be you. Stop fighting to get what you want. Better yet, let that rebellion be a rebellion against everything in you that is causing conflicts with others. Purify your desire for love. If the your are being fair with the other, the two will feel happy.

Pisces: Good. Now you feel that your daily work reflects your creativity, and your desire to shine finally makes you feel the boss of your time. Not really? Well, the good news is that you have realized that it is your daily actions and your daily habits that manifest your reality; as a couple, as a family, in your commitments, and most importantly at this time, in your identity, your essence . Your idealism is your engine, your dream is your artistic sensibility, and your intuition, is your map. Be certain that if you do not feel happy, this new moon will be because you are not doing what makes you feel vibrate with the universe, in alignment with your desire in life, the union of your thoughts with your actions. If you feel off, the radical changes that continue to occur for you in your self-esteem, in the value you give yourself, and in your material world, are not validating your ideal. The time has come to change patterns and habits of life. And don't stop until you feel that your spirit sings: life you owe me nothing, life we ​​are in peace.

all ways with love,


If you want an astroyoga reading with me, you can write me to


- Para leer el artículo en Español lee Luna Nueva: Vida Nueva



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