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New Economy of Trust

Et voila! As capitalism keeps stressing out world communities at large, families and individuals, who get up daily trying to figure out how to not get booted from the 99% into the poverty lines, a new economy of Trust is arising.

People are coming back to trading goods for goodness and wellness in exchange of well being. For example, there is now a Deli/Coffee shop that takes plastic waste in exchange of a delicious meal, or coffee pastries. Isn't that great? Or restaurants that offer service at not cost to the public, supported by those who can pay for it, thanks to all they have received from their public, like Bon Jovi's restaurant. Giving is in.

More and more we are experiencing a shift in awareness, where we finally see that "our"struggles are also "their" struggles and the illusion of separation begins to fade. Donation basis practices, as they use to be in the enlighten golden eras of the past, are trending once more, allowing young families to offer in service their talents in honor of our new era vision of sustainability.

So, why are you confused? What is it about the concept of "Donation basis" that you don't understand? Where those all mix feelings of doubt or distrust, about receiving a service, or product without having to "pay" for it, come from? it happens, the answer to this is in the question itself.

Be clear. Donation basis does not mean that you will receive an experience without having to "pay" for it. Donation basis is an ancient practice (Dana) that arises from the wisdom of how generosity develops as a result of your full awareness about the benefits of your experience and your capability of giving back as much, in the form that best suits your capabilities to give. In other words, you GIVE whatever you FEEL inspired to give, in BALANCE with what you CAN give, according to your experiential truth... always for the benefit of all.

Now, this, in modern times, is called Sustainability.

Sustainability is not only about been green and good for the environment, it is about realizing that #sustainability is a force of synergy, in which you well being is sustained by your experiences, and your experiences also sustain the well being of others. Well Being... get it?Being Well. This way, everyone benefits and harmony vibrates in all interactions.

To know how to give and receive, is an exercise of unconditional friendship (Maitri) First and foremost with yourself. It is you saying to me: Trust me when you fall backwards, I will catch you, I know you will catch me, in turn.

Next time you attend a donation basis event, instead of asking how much is the donation? Learn to receive, open your heart, experience what it is being given to you, and at the end put whatever you feel in your heart is the value of what you just experienced, in the donation basket. It might help you to ask yourself two questions at the moment of giving your donation in kind:

1. How do I feel now, after receiving this experience?


2. If this was me offering this experience to others and my livelihood depended on it, what would I feel to be fair trade for my effort?

Then give it.

This is an economy of Trust.

P.S. When you arrive to an event, and they require you to donate before you receive the experience, or in order to receive it, which happens more often than you would think, then consider twice what is that you expect to receive from them in the first place and remember your intention, then honor how you feel, but know that this can not be called a donation basis experience in the tradition of Yoga.

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