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Love is

Love is. Love is what moves the world, for good, or for worse. It is in the love spectrum where we see each other's tones; it is love the grand mirror of the self. How we love ourselves teaches others how to love us. How we say I do will open cycles that, when they end, teach us about who we are, so we can start again. We love because We are love, but to know how to love so we are loved in the exact ways that we want to be loved, is a matter of consciousness. And consciousness, as the Holy Science teaches us, is in a cyclic relationship with the Sun.

Why we are affected? Because according to science, holy and modern, we humans are known for being electro-magnetic beings and as everything else in the Universe we are pure vibration and vibrate a frequency in resonance, or dissonance, with other frequencies, such as the Electric Couple.

When you find yourself contemplating your relationship with love remember your Sun.

Freedom, whether we are committed to a partner, or single, still benefits structure and effort. As we illuminate in consciousness our long term goals, effort is key, requiring for us to let go of rules that block our evolution, freedom takes responsibility. It can be challenging to let go of traditions, but it might make us happy to do just that, by releasing our attachment to society's "must be" and inspire the collective with your new consciousness.

The collective is cheering for your revolution.

As we illuminate our consciousness, a sense of Destiny can be felt, and cupid might use that to conquer our hearts, and that might challenge our awareness regarding how to take care of our own needs in a nurturing way.

Staying with the breath, observing our sensations, clears past energy helping strategy harmonize with that which we want to do different. Commitment takes awareness, and wholesome awareness can be challenging, if what we are committing to feels like a repetition of that which we already know, consciously, needs radical change. Whether you are celebrating your commitment, or wondering why you can't seem to commit, letting go of rigidity can make space for love.

Cosmic alignments sometimes tell us that relationships can feel the stress of the day, as our consciousness illuminates an innovative way to express ourselves and make love last. Our emotions (the moon) change with our cycles, and might require adjustment as we feel we have no other choice but to change. To observe our breath and our sensations as a loving way to give your presence to those with whom you relate, we can see things as they really are, and not only as we want them to be. This inspire us to be still, and realize that love is everywhere, everything is love, as this insight arises we can make our choices from a perspective of wisdom, hence activating our magnetism and naturally making "I" the grand center, beneficially attracting that which vibrates towards our inner Universe.

Whether in relationship with another, or purely in relationship with ourselves, we can tend to that inner Universe, cultivate love so love shall love us the way we en-joy to be loved.

Lets breathe, lets observe our sensations, stay focused on our breath, stay present, be noble.

Remember that there are only two kind of sensations, happy sensations and unhappy sensations; either we like what we feel, or we dislike it. As we stay focused on our breath, our sensations are the most conscious compass to love. When we feel unhappy sensations, lets observe them without judgment and reaction, when we feel happy sensations, lets observe them without judgment and reaction. Observe them without attaching the "I" to them. They too shall pass.

To be equanimous, is the purest kind of love.

As we innovate, for a new cycle, lets remember that Love does never end, it only transforms, thus we can always start again. Every breath is an opportunity to start again. So, start again.

Love is.



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