GUNS I love guns, I love to shoot at a target, I love the feeling of aiming right. It is fun. So, I understand the love people have for guns. There is nothing like going to the fair and shooting a rifle and then win a teddy bear. Guns are fun, until somebody dies. I grew in a home where guns were seen as primitive, and no guns were allowed by my parents. Knowledge…yes, mastery of the mind, yes, that is how my parents armed us for the battle of life. Today, I am a mother. I feel for the mothers who have lost their children to guns. With their permission, here is my voice.
There is those who believe that the right to own a gun ensures safety and nobody should be forced to surrender their liberty to own one. Safety meaning unarmed citizens are left to the vulnerabilities of power games such as dictatorship, tyranny, military occupation, crime ruling or Martial law. There others who believe there would be no people murdered if guns were banned from society.
As a mother (and be mindful that the power of a mother is unique, as it is us mothers who really truly can change generations to come) while people around me fight either to ban guns or to defend the right to own a gun, as a mother I am left to only one debate that arises almost everyday I go buy groceries, with my 6 year old. As we walk the fist ails who are usually targeting children with toys, and place them at heir height to make sure no kid has a chance to miss the toys, believe you me, my son defends fiercely his right to play with guns. Why? Because all markets in my town sell at least an entire collection of toy guns, most video games that children play have guns in them, and must superheroes carry them to save the world. So, I keep thinking, how is that we grown ups keep trying to change humanity through revolution, and forget to look at its foundation: children’s mindfulness and awareness. How is it that we keep failing providing children, and their parents, with the freedom to enjoy only peaceful environments and elements to play and imagine the world. Why do you think boys like cars? Not because they are boys, but because they see cars from their very early months while walking the streets in their strollers. I mean, before Ford, boys liked horses. I keep thinking that adults who love guns, were once kids who loved guns. People tend to say that boys like guns because they are boys, they state it as a fact the same way they state the myth that being a teenager means trouble. But, think about it, would kids love guns if they never saw one? If you have any understanding of how the mind works, you do know the answer. Wouldn’t then, when it comes to gun regulation, be a priority to ban toy guns, gun video games, gun movies, and armed superheroes from any production? I am convinced that as long as marketing, entertainment, toy factories and stores bombard our children with violent games that include guns, there is no room for debate. If you ask me, until that happens, our children will grow to love their guns, and they will keep creating laws to protect their right to use them. Until toy guns are banned, gun video games are banished, and armed superheroes movies and shows disappear, we are safer not by arming teachers or placing armed guards at schools, but by teaching our kids the Art of Living, the balance of freedom and responsibility, the ultimate challenge of a true warrior, the mastery of the mind and how to be a peaceful warrior. Where are your children now? May all beings be happy, peaceful, and liberated from all suffering.
