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7 tips for the Homeschool Mom

If you are a mother who is considering homeschooling your children, at some moment or the other you will be doubting if you can be a good teacher to your child. You will wonder if maybe she or he needs to be in a setting with other children, and if you would be taking away from your child by choosing to homeschool.

Depending on where you live, it is also possible that you will be confronted by the constant challenge to explain to others why you feel is best to give your children your dedicated loving and focused education by learning together, instead of leaving their pure mind open to others' sculpting, to the established system of education.

To you one important thing to remember: it is human nature to resist change.

Nonetheless, Change is all there is. Things are always changing, seasons come and go, civilizations rise and fall, prophets appear and disappear, galaxies expand and contract, and cycles of awareness blossom like a flower, then die, seed, and wait for the proper times to blossom again. We mothers are the makers of life, we sculpt generations with our teachings, our children are the Gurus of the Future.

First things first; Do not doubt your intuition, intuition is how God communicates with us, intuition is how we connect to each other at the most sublime level, intuition is the unspoken language between a mother and her child. You got this! Not only you love being a light of wisdom to your little one, he or she IS the insight. Nature chose you two to learn from each other. It is your birth right. You are the mother, and mother there is only one.

Then of takes a village.

Benefit from the mirror others offer you, listen to all the advice others' feel compelled to give you, honor everyone's need to tell you how they have done it, and what has worked for them. Then observe...observe and listen. Is this a person you enjoy? Is this a family member you admire? Do you feel is beneficial for your child to become a similar person to he or she who is telling you how you should be raising your son or your daughter? No? Well, there is your answer... insanity is defined as doing the same thing and expect different results.

Any good teacher will teach you one main thing only: the teacher is within. Your children are born knowing. As a mother, and a teacher, your gift is simply to allow them a safe, bright, fun, open, and inspiring space, for them to explore their own emotions, their own social connections, their own creative adventures, their own natural inquiries about the Universe that surrounds them. The first 7 years, you are their Universe. Before you begin, first make sure YOU are a happy, peaceful, inspired and liberated from negativity, then breath deep, and START AGAIN.

How to begin?

1. Start where you are : The nature of your child will be your best teacher.

A balanced place to begin is by observing how things are, naturally. I mean, the nature of things as they are. The nature of your child will be your best teacher. Observe your child's innate character, his or her natural interests, her talents, his abilities, and follow their curiosity with the same pure awe. Every moment, you can start again. When in doubt, do nothing. When she is focused, let her be. When he asks, answer his questions. When they play, play with them. When they are quite, be quite. When they speak, listen. Be as you would like others to be with you. Space is Love. Love is space. Teach and learn. A wise teacher once said, as teachers we only teach what we, ourselves, need to learn.

2. Be clear with your Intention

Honor whatever reason that brought you here. Mothers have different motivations to homeschool their kids. Some of us are travelers and seek the benefit of not interrupting a healthy education and the freedom to flow with life without fixed schedules. Some of us disagree with the education system in place by the establishment; some believe we can teach our kids better and raise them to use their own insights when choosing a preferred lifestyle. Some feel strongly against imposed rulings that condition public or private education in some countries or states, such as having to vaccinate children if they are to be approved to attend schools, and some of us simply embrace the opportunity to be home and enjoy life in good company, a life of learning and discovery side to side with your kids. After all, why should a mother surrender to privilege to someone else, usually a stranger, have all the fun, and make all the happy memories.

3. Connect with your Child

Connect with your child's nature and let her or him teach you what she feels as her best learning, sometimes we need to learn it first!

Listen to what kind of human being you have the privilege to co-create.

If your child is enjoying the letters at this moment, why would you teach her the numbers? Release your control and be guided by his or her cues, not by your desire to achieve your own goals. If one thing is true is that his or her mind evolves naturally based on the environment. Our job is to provide her or him with a safe, fun diverse, natural and inspiring didactic environment. One that gives your child material to play and discover.

Listen, be patient, and by all means before filling their mind with information, discern in pure meditation what current information is really beneficial to humanity.

From what you teach them, let them choose what serves them and leave the rest aside for another moment.

Look around you, why would you teach children the same things that make this society dysfunctional. Don't let others convince you that it is needed for their survival in the "real world". You don't want your child to only survive, you want her and him to create the reality she feels beneficial to all, and makes her or him a happy person.

Be brave. You can and you will change the world.

4. Choose well your Tribe, if necessary up-scale your Kula

As you face resistance on the path, whether is your own or others', remember your intention, as you come back to your breath. Every breath is an opportunity to start again. Specially if homeschooling is unknown or rejected by your community.

Then, choose well your tribe, and if necessary up-scale your Kula. Who are the 5 people you surround yourself? As incredible as it may sound, everybody will have an opinion about how you "should" raise your kids, specially if you stand outside of the norm. You would not believe the resistance you can encounter by your loved ones, family members, and even close friends, when they are challenged by a different way of doing things. Defying traditional education can be worse than changing your religion; some would even put in doubt your intentions and judge you as a "bad mother" or even go as far as accusing you of negligence or abuse. It does happen.

Be strong. Forgive them for they know not what they are doing. And then gather who those that share your vision and support your intention. Look for those who inspire you.

5. Be informed by the most updated available resources

A very helpful tool is to find a homeschool curriculum that gives you the legal protection you could need in your Country, and make sure it is recognized by the International education system. This way not only your child will have official documents, to help validate their studies and go study anywhere and anything she or he chooses later on. Also, your child can receive a student card, officially valid in all student activities, allowing his or her integration in your chosen community.

As a friendly spark, you will also be able to silence other moms who attack your homeschool choices, in the best way possible. With wisdom that only comes from understanding. Cultivate your practice daily.

6. Honor how you feel

As you honor your child nature, honor how you feel. Bow to your kid's freedom to be who they are, even when they are not who you want the to be, and also vow to your own freedom to be who you are.

Now...this is very important. It is a reality that regardless of the reason why you choose to homeschool your kids, mainly it is motivated by your preference to be in control of your kid's education, isn' t true?

This is a challenge that will arise often. Learn to release your control.

There will be plenty of moments when you will feel certain that you know that what you are doing is what is best, and you will try by all means positively possible to make your child understand that, and follow your lead. Make sure that in those moments you give priority to the nature of you kid, his or her inner voice, and their right to make their own mistakes to learn. Because, as unlikely as it sounds, you might be wrong. It happens.

7. Remember this

What is true is that the power that a mother holds by nature is unique to her. We create the future generations. It is us, mothers, who sculpt the spirit of the future. We are the teachers of peace...or war. Who is racing your child? How is it that her mind is being inspired? What kind of values are being imprinted in your little one's mind? Belief systems? Habits? Philosophies? Character building? Are they receiving a mindful experience?

As mothers, mostly all prefer to be close to the process of Becoming. Or else, we are likely to spend one half of our children lives debating with Society our child's expression, and the other half witnessing how our children struggle to get rid of all they have learned without their consent, in the attempt of finding themselves again and realize (real eyes) their natural Self, layered under generations of conditioning to fit in the society they were bound to live, just so they can remember Who They are.

Bonus Tip: How can you know when is time to do things differently?

Is your child resisting you? Is he or she crying a lot? Is your kid fighting with you more than usual? This are signes that she or he is bored, or she has learned what she needed to learn. It is time to change the dynamic, the material, the place, the company, or give her space to explore the world on their own.

Nature is always the wiser mother. Go outdoors, enjoy a tree, the ocean, the sand, a walk in the park, a climb in the mountain, a night under the stars. Then come back to your intention, and keep up with your most important responsibility. To provide your child with a positive, creative, natural and resourceful, rich, and peaceful didactic environment. And have fun watching them learn!

Love, listen, pay attention, smile, and don't forget that we learn best through play. Be playful! Relax and enjoy the process of self discovery and remember: Anicca - this will also change.

The best homeschool happens... moment by moment.

Yeye has been homeschooling her son since birth. He is now 6 years old.

GURUS HomeSchool Moms in Cabo



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