360°△ 7 nov 19:33:13 Benefic Venus Urania, evening star, the planet rulling the lunar eclipse starting in 6hrs applies a trine to benefic Jupiter, as well as inspiring Neptune,
both in the sign of their rullership. Mars retro ascending leads Venus guided by Mercury in Cazimi, in revelation of what you need to change.
A glowing warmth of feeling, that begins with future-oriented growth, blessed with good fortune@by compassion and higher loving sacrifice to heal universal peace.
⭐️ A Man's eesential destiny is to develop as a five-fold being, a musical pentagram or five-pointed star.
Man as in humanity.
Mercury in cazimi applies a conjunction to Venus: think love as the enlightening energy that will harmonize so much oposition and the challenges of these karmic times.
We are light. God speed. ✨⭐️✨