To the Master Engineer of Sound : 7 principles of truth
the beauty of a good piece of hardware
~ Electrons have two manifestations:
- the particle which is conductive : electrical
- the wave which is a vacuum : omnipresent : basically no atmosphere
waves float = space
you spin space and you create a vortex
vortex takes you through parallel realities
this es is wave aspect of electrones
recipe :
1.take the age old pentad vacuum tube
2. byset it correctly with the voltage and the elements to maxim de effect
3. take the wave and spin it
= the vacuum tube creates light energies (electron proton fusion =
the principle of Mentalism: this principle embodies the truth that the ALL is mind, the Universe is Mental
- With this recipe you get quantum similarity - this connects the signal flow to 7 realities (7 hermetic principles of truth)
the principle of correspondence : this Principle embodies the truth that there is always a Correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of Being and Life. This Principle is of universal application and manifestation, on the various planes of the material, mental, and spiritual universe — it is a Universal Law.
- the speaker sends a signal to the listener and the listener sends a signal to the speaker, in correspondence. Quantum jumps in time.
the principle of vibration : this principle embodies the truths that 'nothing rests,' 'everything is in motion,' and 'everything vibrates.' It explains that matter, energy, and even spirit, are simply varying rates of vibration.
- the seven parallel realities (7 hermetic principles of truth) integrate de MIND to harmonize in integration which is the nature of mind kind : Spirit :
frequency tunes to different waves of existence with basically two polarities : +Light vs. -Darkness +creation * -destruction
Be mindful of Dangers of misuse due to ignorance or power abuse: mind disintegration : mind control : negativity overload : broken spirit : darkness
the principle of polarity : is to understand that love and hate are the same intensity of emotion, varying only in degree of polarity.
- Music : frequency tuning an emotion : spinning the mind in different frequencies : inducing states of meditation : purest meditation spreads the mind in 7 realities
the principle of rhythm : between the opposite poles of the principle of Polarity, is the pendulum swing of The principle of Rhythm. This principle controls the cycle of life and death, creation and destruction, rise and fall, and of course manifests in our mental states.
- polarity effect of music created by the frequency in hertz
the principle of cause and effect : the universal law of cause and effect states that for every effect there is a definite cause, likewise for every cause, there is a definite effect (karma). Your thoughts, behaviors, and actions create specific effects that manifest and create your life as you know it.
- you get what you give
the principle of gender : gender manifests itself on all planes as the Feminine and Masculine principles (yin&yang, mother&father, woman&men). Mental Gender is described as a Hermetic concept which relates to the feminine and masculine principles in all of us.
rule of nature: Without the Feminine, the Masculine is apt to act without restraint, order, or reason, resulting in chaos.
multiply 7 parallel realities integration and you get dimensional travel e.g 3x7=21 dimensions
"I" exists in 7 parallel realities
once integration is completed you are in the frequency of what we call FREE WILL : here you are the creator of truth : You are your own Refuge
the musician is the time traveler, hierofant of the mysteries, seeking to raise humanity through tone to the heightened power fo the Spirit.
this is the quantum aspect of the atom : balance the base with the higher frequency
learn to meditate Vipassana properly to boost your megahertz and tune up to peace, harmony, love, compassion, happiness + frequencies
without the Masculine, the Femenine is unprotected
It is the light of the mother that protects us from all evil. Embrace the feminine in you, love your mother, to honor and protect the mother in all women makes you a true complete man.
elementals: do good, be truthful, be content, feel happy for others' success, cultivate clarity by keeping a mind free from intoxicants, be loyal, mate only when love is pure and purely love, be light.
fundamentals: awareness & equanimity
successful tool: Vipassana meditation
love, peace, happiness,
Sonic Design
c o n s c i o u s. m u l t i m e d i a.
united in Peace * unidos en Paz