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The Chinese word for hello means: Have you eaten rice today? This from a culture where rice is like tortillas to a Mexican. The Indian word for hello means "The divine in me salutes the divine in you". The Lacandones hello means: "What did you dream last night?" The Hawain hello is the same word for love, affection, peace, compassion and mercy, and it means the "divine breath of life". The Mexican word for hello means Wave. The Arabic word for hello means "welcome". The Hebrew word for hello means "peace." What does Hello mean?

I guess we are seeing it as the culture of hello expands through out the world. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, hello is an alteration of hallo, hollo, which came from Old High German, halâ, holâ, emphatic imperative of halôn, holôn to fetch, used especially in hailing a ferryman." It also connects the development of hello to the influence of an earlier form, holla, whose origin is in the French holà (roughly, 'whoa there!', from French là 'there'). As in addition to hello, halloo, hallo, hollo, hullo and (rarely) hillo also exist as variants or related words, the word can be spelt using any of all five vowels.

Hello is alternatively thought to come from the word hallo (1840) via hollo (also holla, holloa, halloo, halloa). The definition of hollo is to shout, or an exclamation originally shouted in a hunt when the quarry was spotted.

The point is...where is our intention when we say our "Hola"? Where is our heart, our mind, our body, as we greet each other? What do our neighbors, friends, and strangers answer back when we say hello?

To critique the past distracts us from the present, wasting our creative force to manifest a future; but to look into the past teaches us about how we got here, as the past is what happened to us, and how us happened to the past.

In this light, to study our patterns, patterns are the daily habits that define our archetypes, to study them allows us to understand how history is made; some of us remember it, some us forget it, but it is those of us who write about it who go through the therapeutic process of looking at the conciousness of things. Not because we, writers, are better, but because we go through the quantum exercise of transfering our thoughts into words, and then write them down. Hopefully we write, knowing that words are blown with the wind.

Writing is something anybody can do, as it is in the constitution of a peaceful Republic, peaceful being the keyword : e.g. Bill of Rights, Article I, freedom of speech and of religion; furthermore, writing Truth requires a vow to an Universal practice: noble speech; the art of speaking timely, in a manner that it is easy to the ear, and only when what we say creates harmony when there is none.

This because we all know by divinity, even if we are still in the process of understanding in comprehension of its full power, that the Universe is created with the WORD.

Yes, from a privilege place of heart, mind, and body I can say that we live in a paradise, where, to start again, all is needed is to jump in the water of the salty ocean from one of the beautiful beaches of #Cabo, and cleanse the hooks that are hooked on us, then you can climb a palm, crack open a coconut, drink its soma, and eat its coco meat; and you are ready to go again! Poco a poco, se rompe el coco.

I call it a privilege place of heart, mind, and body, because it is a peaceful place on Earth; and a peaceful place on Earth needs to be cherished. We live in a #Time where thousands of people try to reach each other through #FaceBook, just to tell their stories and say hello! Without awareness that there is a dark force wanting to expand in the attempt to control the masses, in the attempt to corrupt the collective soul. Nothing to waste our focus on, as we are all part of the same collective experience.

War, famine, abuse, violence, drama, it is all on TV; those of us who walk the earth for grounding are simply in the effort to, like it is colloquially said, "chase the potatoe". Everyone is looking for a way to bring bread to the table, and in the intensity of doing just that, we sometimes forget the ritual of breaking bread together.

Cabo seems to share a common phrase at the moment: "I just haven't had the money to pay for it, yet" when delayed in paying for veterinary expenses, clothes, car, gas, travel, rent, water, bread, coconut, you name it! Yes, what is different from other places, you might asked if you live in any other town, in any other part of the world, as this economy crisis is a global one. Since I have lived here since 2003, I can tell you what I've observed.

I #sea a community that works for endless hours in service to the dreams of others, making sure it is joy what we sell, relaxation and freedom. People from all ov

er the world keep coming to rest and forget about all negativites and the miseries of humanity, some in retreat to elevate their sprituality, some in the escape of their own life in their addictions. No judgement, it is true that in the diversity and freedom to be, think, and do, we unite.

The Sun is hard to darken with one finger tip though, or better said, no se puede tapar al Sol con un dedo. Now we know how we feel, it is time to ask what are we going to do with that.

When you travel to Cabo, remember this, it is its people where the heart of the town beats. Those that get up early to make your bed, those that go to sleep late entertaining you, who sacrifice their family time, their time with their children, their own luxury moments in nature, to serve your dream.

When you share your admiration with the world about Mexico and say that your experience was incredible admiring the fact that you can buy a cup of coffee from less, or that it is so "cheap" to travel to México, or even worse, that you can build your dream upon the "mexican wage"; don't admire it, question it! Why is it so cheap? Isn't it not also people who are behind the effort, who do the same work that it takes anywhere else, to produce your experience? Question it! Why is it so expensive, and how is my money spent once I give it to pay for my experience? Does it reach the agriculturist that water the coffee bean under the sun everyday? Are people being treated fairly by the luxurious corporations who charge you for the experience of your dream? If they are, are their managers and directors splitting the budget in fairness of everyone's effort? Is it sustainability the motor behind it all? You know, sustainability means simply that it sustains all those who make the effort, as much as it sustains you. Then put your money on it, and choose who you support with your affluence, based on the principle of integrity.

Confusing? Allow me explain it. If you are charging the equivalent of the dollar to the peso, if you are getting charged the equivalent to the dollar to the peso, but the servers (waiters, musicians, guides, chefs, cooks, drivers, entertainers, artisans, artists, the working people, those who are not on vacation) when the servers are still getting paid the "Mexican wage" - that is where the problem lies, there is the nut, there is the but. Like Ensitein questioned problems, question this one! Then meditate on it. How would you feel if it was You walking in the shoes of the other? Would you be able to sustain your family, in peace? Once the insight has arisen in your wisdom, in the observation of your breath, in the observation of your sensations, then you can act upon and balance, isn't that what we are looking for? Balance.

So the writer shows up, and writes to everyone, hey! what are we doing? Here we are again? Are you going to keep doing what others before you have done many times already? Until there is no more coconut? Until there is no more bread? Until friends are no more? If something I've learned from the natives in Cabo is that survival in the desert is all about taking care of your friends. An so it is in the rest of the world.

#Study your past, study the patterns, know your history. Then, use your creative power and build a future that includes everyone.

Make sure that your community shares your merits. How this? Well, observe the WORD around you. What is everyone saying, when you say #hello. Are you listening?

love, Yeye 💜💙☯️🎶💫😀🙏

Namaste Los Cabos | conscious multimedia

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