What we value in 2018 will naturally become our reality. Beginning with a beautiful full moon, in cancer, which according to astrologers' is the full moon of the full moon, a nurturing energy is being cultivated, we are sitting with our thoughts, meditating on what to do next, where to find peace, how to befriend our madness, so it makes common sense.
To succeed, in 2018 we will need a sensible empathy with the common good. The key questions will be: Is this beneficial to me? Is this beneficial to others? How can I help my self by helping others? How can I co-create peace on Earth? What about what I do inspires happiness in me, so those around me are happy, too?
2018 is not about sacrificing yourself, for others. It is not about renouncing your own voice, so others can speak theirs. It is about Self-knowledge. Sacrifice is a parami that we develop as a path of Self Mastery. In good understanding, we sacrifice what we want, for what is best. We renounce that which we desire, for what is best for everyone. What an insight!
2018 is about Self-knowledge, about ascending, about clearing confusion to open the path between parallel universes, and alternate dimensions. To Know Thy Self, is the first advice of many great spiritual leaders. When we master Self-Knowledge, through observation of the breath and our sensations, we learn to feel compassion for other people's struggles, because we recognize in their story our own humanity. We are first and foremost, humans traveling in a big green watery generous organic evolving spaceship, and we are going all to the same place... the unknown.
Leap into the unknown. 2018 first planetary moods feel to be about radical changes. About once and for all, embracing your past, so you can liberate it exactly where it can be free, in the past. Radical changes that will help us move forward to experience our innermost ultimate nature, happiness.
May your changes reflect the common good. May all we do shine a light on what we value. May what you value be for the benefit of all. Unite, balance your mind, empty your thoughts of animosity, learn to recognize your own creative power, realize that what you do does matter, as its ripples affect every single organism, as well.
In 2018, Los Cabos embraces not only the challenges of cultivating abundance and wellness to continue entertaining the play of the International community. As a community, we face the challenge to overcome our sense of uncertainty, scarcity, fear, violence, competition, jealousy, envy, division, hatred and ill will, all lower chakra related, which perpetuate the tragedy of the commons.
2018 gives us the opportunity to transcend, to ascend, to raise the vibration, to inspire those who choose to fight, and kill, and hate, and steal, to inspire those who live in their shadow, to transform and raise their vibration too.
2018 gives us the opportunity to raise our own awareness to the higher chakras through the healing power of this very simple realization: what is good for you must be good for others, if you want to make it into the Future.
For the benefit of all, align your energy with true wisdom, shine the rainbow of your electro magnetic body/mind, through the practice of peace and love. Live in your soul. In 2018 we all take a leap into the unknown. Invest in Peace and happiness.
To those who feel silence is best, may your silence be enlightening. Be aware that silence means quieting the mind, emptying it from thought, so peaceful transformation can happen in wisdom. Silence does not mean suppressing your own voice. It is not only those who hate who do harm, it is also all of us who witness injustice and hatred, and accept it.
May your silence be noble silence, noble silence means that when you think, when you speak and when you act, you do no harm. Understand this, noble silence means clear awareness, not denial. To deny reality is to leave in illusion. And illusion, well, now you see it...now you don't. You can't trust illusion. And when we can't trust, we leave in fear, and when we leave in fear, we live in its vibration and all that it attracts. This is the law of physics. This is the law of nature. Everything in the Universe is vibration. What do you value? What do you want to create?
In 2018, the world at large, not only Los Cabos, faces the challenges of conscious consumerism. It will be essential to understand well the art of affluence, in the new millenium. As currency looses its value in the trading of goods, and people turn into virtual reality economics and natural free energy, the understanding of the common good will make a difference. As the world becomes one, power will only come to those who lead for the common good. Pay attention to this, power is no more about politics, power in the new millennium will soon be all about the ability to master the elements of our own nature so we can travel through space, in the continuum of time. Yes, my loved ones, power is about to spit out those who wrongfully have used it to submit and control others, and it will express its true meaning. Power is creative and its highest vibration is love and peace. Jesus said it, Buddha said it, God and the Angels say it, every day.
As the NOMAD culture grows, and more and more people are able to move their residence between towns, countries and continents, and work remotely from their laptop, in 2018 we face the challenge of insight, to see things as they are, and not as we want them to be. In 2018, when the traveler or the expat celebrates the privilege to enjoy a more accessible economy, he and she will face the challenge to realize that when you look to pay for the cheapest option, you are contributing to the poverty of the town that is giving you a home.
Let us go deeper. When you celebrate the fact that you have found a country where you can pay daily maid service, pay less for more, buy a coffee for less than you buy it in your own country, pay cheap rent for a house with a pool, eat breakfast for 6 usd, and enjoy music for hours without paying a cover to sustain the musicians, or finding out whether the business you sustain with your money is giving their people a good pay and fair working conditions, while you make tons of money working from your computer, or selling the land, or using cheap labor so you can offer luxury experiences to the rich, remember that 2018 will be all about the common good. You will be outed for your slavery practices, you will be resented by those who work 15 or 18 hours a day for less than 5 dollars an hour, sometimes even for less than 1 dollar an hour, who will remind you with their resistance that when you celebrate paying less, your are contributing to their poverty.
Understand this, there is a reason why in your own country you can't enjoy a breakfast for 6 usd, and it is a simple reason really. Imagine this was your restaurant, how will you pay the cook, the dishwasher, the waiter, the produce, the rent, the coconut climber, the fair coffee trade practices, the mother or father, or the son, or the daughter that works the land so the coffee can grow... all with 6usd? If this was you cleaning the house for 25usd a week, would you do it? You don't even want to clean your own.
If you are a community leader or a company, who keeps using people's efforts for cheap, keeping them poor so they compete between each other, so they feel that there is no other way but to devaluate what their effort is worth, if your empathy is little and you can't seem to understand and honor that they, as you, want to sustain their family in right livelihood, if you ignore the needs of others so your company can get richer, remember this...you will end in bad company.
When you take from others the sense that there is a better way, when you steal from others the confidence to believe that the land they work is their land to cultivate in abundance, and when you manipulate others to believe that there is no other opportunities to prosper unless they work long hours for little pay, tolerating unfair treatment, classist division, racism and worse, when you do this we believe you.
Beware, this is how violence, crime, and wars begin and fester. If you do this, you will end in bad company, you won't be able to hide in your paradises of richness and luxury, because there will be no paradises left to enjoy. What you do, does make a difference in the world. It is the butterfly effect.
Awareness, my friend, awareness of the common good is 2018.
Is this true? Only you know what is true in your own reality. Wherever you are, may your awareness of how you influence the world that you create for yourself and others around you, bring you real happiness, real harmony, and real peace, for the benefit of all.
Cheers to a 2018 of peace on Earth!
Happy New Year!
