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Peace for Los Cabos

"It is perfectly possible," as Gandhi said, "for an individual to adopt this way of life without having to wait for others to do so."

On October 21st, at 5:30PM MT, people are invited to gather at MEGA in SJC to march together to the Municipal palace. Their message? Peace for Los Cabos.

For those thinking about marching with friends and family, let's keep in mind that Los Cabos is not the peaceful town it has been since its foundation. Beware, that what a march can represent to a family peaceful town, might not represents the same to those in the midst of violence. Observe how marches, around the world, tend to end in more violence. Understand that though mainly a peaceful march is about peace, it can also provoke those who, because of their own suffering do not know how to feel peace, making this march an opportunity for them to express how they feel about the peace that they lack.
Let's not be afraid to gather in peace, for peace sake, but let's be mindful, in our heart mind, about how is that each of us, individually, will contribute to that peace that we are marching for. Because, if it despair what we feel and anger towards others, our march for peace is meaningless, and it can really really put others at risk...just take a look at history. As Gandhi says it: "An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind." And remember, with your right effort, you are bound to succeed.

Now, I understand that this might be a radical opinion. So let's talk about peace.

What is a march for peace?

A march for peace marks a new stage in the growth of Los Cabos. It is important to understand its significance.

A march for peace is not a community gathering where members of a sect express their opinions in isolation from the outside world, according to their own peculiar rules. It is not a club designed for the enjoyment of its members. It is not a temple in which to perform religious ceremonies. It is not a place for socializing.

A march for peace is, instead, a school which teaches one subject: Peace, the art of living.

All who come to a march, whether to meditate or to serve, come to receive this teaching. They must, therefore be receptive in their attitude, trying not to impose their own ideas, but rather, to understand and to apply the peace that is offered to them.

To ensure that a march of peace is offered in its strength and purity, you are to be the peace of the march. The more carefully this is maintained, the stronger the message will be.

Many ordinary activities are forbidden during a march for peace, not because there is anything wrong with them, but because they are inappropriate at a march for peace. Peace itself is the way of preserving its unique purpose: guard it carefully.

The foundation of this march for peace that you will construct here is an universal moral conduct. As you know, undertaking a universal moral conduct is the essential first step in a peaceful life, since, without it, your mind will be weak.

It is equally essential that all who march for peace keep their peaceful. mind as carefully as possible.

From now on, there should be no killing on this land, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no wrong speech, no use of intoxicants. This will create a calm and peaceful atmosphere conducive to the work of self-purification, so peace is achieved.

With the firm base of a moral conduct, the practice of peace can proceed. Keep in mind that this is the most important task at the march—first, last and always. Peace. All who come to serve at the march, even for a few hours, must not neglect their duty to be peaceful here, as well. By doing so, they strengthen the peace atmosphere and give support to other peaceful marchers.

This is not, of course, the only place in Los Cabos at which peace and the teachings of the peace are practiced; but it is the only place devoted to this particular transmission of peace. See that the march is kept at all times specifically for this purpose.

The final essential part of a march for peace is love, and this too must be practiced by all who come to the march, whether to walk, meditate, or serve. For your walk, your meditation, and service to be beneficial, you must perform it joyfully, selflessly and lovingly. Whatever task you undertake, do it with the volition that by your action all beings may be happy. Whenever welcoming others to the march, whether marchers or just visitors, do so with love. Permeate this land with vibrations of love and goodwill, so that all who come here feel that they have entered a sanctuary of peace.

May your effort for peace become a true dwelling of peace itself, in the shelter of which many may find the way out of suffering. May your efforts be crowned with overflowing success. May peace spread to every land around the world. May all beings everywhere be peaceful. May all beings be happy. May all beings be liberated, and live in peace.

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