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Yeye & 2017: Namaste La Onda Natural, what sustainability means, and how you can do it.

I have been focused for a while on building a sustainable model to do business, based on the very seed of goodness.

So, no doubt, the first words on this retrospective go to those who have made our continuous success possible. You all know who you are, but here I vow to you one by one, as it is your light that brights the journey. Thank you for your trust.

So Yes, I have been focused for a while on building a sustainable model to do business, based on the very seed of goodness.

This means all that Namaste La Onda Natural represents is service to others, for the benefit of all.

That, to me, is what sustainability means. A vibrant dynamic living cell that sustains itself by sustaining everything and everyone that comes in contact with it. This is not a new model, it has been around since forever. This is why people get into business with each other in the first place. To sustain themselves by sustaining their community.

Basically, you grow corn, and I make the basket to gather it, so we trade, you use my basket and I eat your corn. Money was invented for those who do not have a basket, but still want to eat the corn, and have a basket, so they can give something in trade. This way, those with the money can enjoy the corn and the basket, and help you and I sustain our business with capital.

It is simple, in its raw and pure state of mind.

So this is what I have been trying to do with Namaste La Onda Natural. A platform that serves you and I, as a portal to all that is right livelihood, for the benefit of all. We serve through music, yoga, conscious multimedia, fair and sustainable commerce, natural education, wellness and peaceful friendly events in nature. It is multilingual and it does travel through the world of others. What have I learned? Pay attention, because this is important. Ready?

A sustainable business model grows not from a business plan. It is the other way around, the business plan arises from the needs of others. How can I help you? is not a complete question. The question at the heart of a business, if you want it to be sustainable, is How can I help you be happy, so you can make others happy?

Why is this important? Well, when people are happy, they experience what you know as Dana, which means generosity. When we feel happy, the most natural evolution of our mind is to want to share the bliss with another. We want others to experience what we have experienced, and benefit as we have benefited.

This translated into business language in the new millennium means: if your service sustains others, others will naturally want to sustain you. A basic permaculture model.

So why is it then, I am sure you will ask, that when you give freely and let the other make the choice of giving back, people distrust you and are skeptical. Why does the western mind think: where are the hooks for the strings? Why is it confusing or misunderstood? And why is it that when it comes to money and business, it seems everyone wants it all for themselves?

This is all an illusion. Let's begin there. We are human beings, imperfect and beautiful, and most of the time unconscious. When we lack awareness, we tend to be absolute, and we live in fear of scarcity. We have been hurt before, and we protect ourselves and our families against another's jealousy and greed. One of the reasons Greed is one of the capital sins, not because of the possibility of experiencing hell, but because greed tempts e v e r y o n e. Jealousy is the quality of the human realm, according to the Tibetan tradition of life and death. It is the dimension designed for our consciousness to awake, a place of experiential truth we all go through to evolve toward enlightenment. And if we want to be sustainable and serve others, enlightened insight is priceless.

So... if this is all an illusion, it means it has the physical qualities of being ephemeral and transient, like thoughts are. Illusion arises and it passes away. What is natural to it is its quality of transformation, it is always changing. To be sustainable, a thought must be beneficial; otherwise it becomes an incessant repetition of our doubts, our fears, our "what ifs", our regrets, and our hopes for the future; all of which have a hard time sustaining a harmonious present. Same it is in business.

And it is all about the present, isn't? For a business plan to be successful, or any plan for that matter, some exercise of control must be mastered. Now you can choose what kind of control you want to experience: Self control or control of others, but the only way to master control is through the present. Moment by moment, breath by breath, serving what benefits the wholesome "plan."

Does the Universe plan? Or just expands, and contracts, and expands, and contracts, in an eternal flow of electricity and magnetism, creating, destroying only to create again, in a perfect melody that harmonizes all to its most precise mathematical truths; in response to what is needed at every specific moment, moment by moment. This tells us that if the most grandiose plan there is, the universe I mean, manifests itself moment by moment, surely we can succeed with the same model in our business plan. That is where ideas come from!

The most transcendental Eastern philosophers recorded that we most discriminate with impeccable reasoning. The space of relativity includes space for logical prove and reasoning. In the Universe, the way is empty, the way is uncreated, there is no way. The Universe is sustainable, because it does it moment by moment, basing its creativity on the nature of things, as things are. And I ask, is it not our individual ambition to be as magnos as the Universe? If you are a business owner, I would bet on it.

The ultimate reality of things includes to think critically, in an accurate precise way, to develop a strong inferential understanding, one you get to meditate on, with one point of concentration, and drive it really deep until you feel enlightened. **

A sustainable business model does not expect money in return. It gives hoping to benefit everyone, and benefits from sustaining life in a beneficial way for all. Yes, money is part of life. You have money, give money, you have corn, give corn, you have baskets give baskets. But most importantly give your trust. Believe in people. Like my dearest partner Elizabeth Mayes Kouns brilliantly advices be open to receive, guided to succeed, always evolving. Evolve into Love.

Be sustainable.

2016 Reflexion

To follow through with this advice, I guess you will ask if I have been successful with my enterprise. Here I am giving advice, right? So far, It is all going according to the plan. Namaste La Onda Natural keeps growing, evolving, sparking awareness through Namaste Conscious Multimedia, we continue helping people connect in fair business, attracting likeminded individuals who in turn are inspired to expand their own businesses in tandem with this model.

Since its foundation we continue to gather the global community in celebration through music, yoga, friends and nature, our social media tribe is touching beyond friends, our website is getting more views.

Music Production has been non-stop recording with The WaterWalkers and Planetary Moods, SonicDesign keeps producing music and video for business owners in Colorado and Baja, and serving Underground Studio at Hotel el Ganzo.

We are currently producing the Yoga in Spanish catalogue for We partnered in the opening UnoSerUno * 101 - a yoga café in Los Cabos in the heart of the art district - where NamasteYoga offers yoga everyday, we continue supporting our contributors with crossover editorial in different languages.

Being my family's enterprise, this has been the enterprise sustaining our family since our job as creative editor and photographers of Destino Magazine came to a closure last February. As well, I have more time to sustain my relationship with you at Elephant Journal - a sustainable mindful publication by excellence - who in turn, sustains me, so me sharing my wisdom in humbleness benefits you. Blessed be.

What really is wonderful is that Namaste La Onda Natural is loved by everyone who comes in contact with it. It is the Love everyone feels for it that has sustained it, and continues evolving it towards a magno successful sustainable model.

Stay tune for our 2017 Forecast, and get a closer look at Namaste La Onda Natural, and all Namaste amazing talented and inspiring collaborators!

We welcome a new wave of young and mature entrepreneurs, who feel inspired to be as part of the process, and who would love to work in branding and crafting a voice for Namaste La Onda Natural.

Jacqueline Paumier Writers, artists in the art of living, musicians, architects&designers, community leaders, media geniuses, and business owners, all of them lovers of WellBeing and Peaceful livelihood, who, like Brand & creative editor describes it so well, "think Namaste La Onda Natural is rising in this beautiful time of change for cabo, this transitioning towards a more pure, healthy, and fulfilling energy, who really want Namaste La Onda Natural to be known as the pioneers in this movement." Like Namaste La Onda Natural Jacquie feels they all have a lot of ideas to contribute that could take sustainability and healthy living off the page and into the lives of the readers.

As a personal note to close the year, I ask you to connect to your heart, remember your intention, focus your attention on your breath, and moment by moment, continue to create a happy world for your Self and for others, for the benefit of all. If any flaws or negativities come to mind, please observe them for what they are, human nature. Transient, arising and passing away, to teach us all the lessons in the art of living. Let it not be my shortcomings what shuts you down to believe in a happy world, and the possibility of being you who can create it. Namaste La Onda Natural is not about me, is not about I; it is about the Universe and its full potential, to be a portal to all mysteries that make us, in truth and in love. For what I am is what you are...stardust in heaven. Be happy. Thank you for your love, your forgiveness, and your unconditional friendship. I love you, I forgive you, and I vow to your divinity from my own. Namaste.

How can I help you be happy, so you can make others happy? That is the only question that matters when doing sustainable business, remember that!

May 2017, 5777, 5 calli, be a wonderful, happy, peaceful, and harmonious year for all!

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