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El mundo de hoy

As we go up and down in the ride of our emotions, the carrousel of life drives the world of today. Tradition vs. awareness is on everyone's plate, some take the blue pill, some take the red pill. Yet there are those who like their mind al natural. Which begs the question : What is natural?

Natural is all in the Universe, says the teacher within. As everything is as it is, because that is its nature. Human, animal, vegetal, cosmic, and artificial - all sentient beings - everything created has nature in it. Everything recycles and re integrates into the Universe, through life, through death, through catarsis and transformational breakthrough.

As we continue to co-create reality, we are to see that we stop at the divide of identity, and take a good look. Take a good look at the reasons why we separate ourselves from others, Bring awareness to the tribe you choose, as a peacemaker, as an artist of life, as a trustworthy Earthlink who cares about what makes us. Be peaceful, be happy, inspire in others love and compassion, the highest vibratory sensations, the most universal values of all. Find harmony. Be natural.

El mundo de hoy

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