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To Live in Peace and to Peacefully Die

In the many hours we spend thinking about the one thousand stories we live day after day, we transform not only our way of thinking. According to New Biology, our cellular and genetic information is transformed by the environment we feel, and the electricity generated by our thoughts.

During the last decade, a strong wave in the collective consciousness has been dedicated to the study of quantum physics, and the interaction of time and space, through the electromagnetic properties of the human mind, through thoughts, feelings, words, silence and mental clarity, and its effect in the body...and health.

We all want to live healthy, but for some human reason - one of those that seem to be common sense but make no sense at all - when we are healthy we are reckless with the natural healthy state of being. Without giving any thought, we abandoned ourselves to worry about that which we want life to be, instead of cultivating thankfulness for the joy of living moment by moment what natural life is. We are so many in this planet that it becomes almost impossible to find our Self, without looking through the eyes of others. This contributes to the creation of a shared health, measured by the social parameters generated by a system governed by the material value we assigned to the things we create.

What is that which we create? Everything that entertains life. Diversions for the mind, the body, and the soul. Calmness has been lost, to look at the sun in the mornings, to absorb its energy for inspiration to engage the daily tasks in the manifestation of the same light. Why? We don’t know why. We simply live like this, generation after generation, justifying everything that makes us ill, with family and social traditions. If everyone does it, why not me. Let’s say that in the time of Adam and Eve, it is said that they wondered naked in paradise and they ate fruits from the trees. Today, he who walks naked in the purity of its own nature, give to him by the same God, generates negativity in the mind of others, and she who dares to cut the fruit of a tree must first make sure that the land does not show the flag of another, if peace is to be kept with each other.

The natural questions are not asked, they are assumed. People expects the other to guess what it is that one thinks and needs, and when the guess is incorrect, well voilá, peace is over. In today’s reality, natural state seems to be one of distrust, in which people do not say what they think, do not think what they say, and consequently do not have a clear consciousness about what they do. Without control, or better said because the ambition of being in power over others, we continue creating laws that not only lock up everyone in the judgement of others, they also separate us from the reality of natural laws, cosmic and ancestral laws, and maybe the only laws that maintain order and harmony in the Universe, which are the spine of all religion. Because the Universe is as it is, and not as the Ego wants it to be, when natural balance is lost, we all end up victims of chaos.

Death, which is part of life, would seem to be a topic avoided at all cost, hence unknown by mostly everyone. People do not want to die, so we have dedicated ourselves to the practice of all that which keeps us away of Death, many times ignorant that it is this same dedication which kills us on a daily basis. Death perhaps is the oldest tradition in all civilizations, and when we keep ourselves far away from its simple idea, we feed the fear of the unknown, which human after all, interferes with everything we believe and everything we are.

Instead of getting to know it and prepare for it, understanding its energetic nature and its function in the quantic spiral of the eternal existence of consciousness, we degenerate its nature by trying to be eternally the same body, and invent artificial forms to not get old.

This is the world of today, or perhaps the world of always. What is definite is that we are a society, nobody came alone to the world, and the only way to leave it in peace is by living in peace, one with the other, the other with the one, and everyone with the One that we are inside.

To die well, we must live well. And by saying well, we must refer to the mental state of clarity and tranquility, in which the absence of suffering is what defines happiness. Practices such as meditación, conscious breathing, daily walk, praying, natural nutrition, thankfulness and positive thinking, keep the body healthy, and as a result the mind clear. Love is only love when we completely love being. Then, we can talk about Death.


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